Welcome to Mossheart

A whimsical fantasy world set in a enchanting forest

Let us introduce you to the magic lies here...

An ode to ancient fairy tale and folklore. Brimming with hope, adventure and magic.

"Lit from behind by the ghost white moon sat a silhouetted silver birch. It had relieved itself of old weathered bark, like a pair of trousers dropped to the floor after a long hard day. The mossy trunk nestled in a pile of browning leaves. fireflies flurried around, refracting light off its edges, revealing a building residing inside a hollow of the tree."

Matilda Moon (author and artist) began creating the world of Mossheart Forest during a time where it felt the light at the end of the tunnel had been snuffed out for good. Mossheart is a place of joyful escapism for those experiencing the same. Here you will find adorable magical creatures and beautiful scenes to bring joy to the everyday.

Set to be a trilogy, Mossheart's first illustrated novel is currently in the works. The tale follows mushroom folk, moss trolls, witches and even sad toads who get down in the dumps from time to time.

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Meet the Artist

Hi! I'm Matilda Moon, I created and run the World of Mossheart from my home in the south of England. I Initially began creating art to bring relief from chronic illness and difficult years of my life. It now is my full time job and I can't wait to see how far the world of Mossheart Forest expands

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